Saturday, March 29, 2008

Honk, Honk, Rattle, Rattle

So, driving to work this week I saw a group of young girls standing on the corner.  Geez, man, get your mind out of the gutter.  These girls were probably my age (mid-late 20's) and were jumping around with Hillary signs.  One of the signs was particularly amusing to me....."Honk for Hillary".  Why was this amusing?  For one, no one was honking.  This wasn't entirely strange, since I assume many people are like me and flip-flop between these two democratic candidates.  I don't feel there is a lack of support for Hillary in Central PA - which brings me to the second reason this moment amused me.  My peer group of Hillary supporters decided that the best possible place in my town to hold up a Honk sign is on the corner of, possibly, the busiest intersection in my itty-bitty town.  At this one stop light at 7:45am, there are 14 driving lanes of traffic (counting turn lanes) that are waiting for the light to change so they can zoom off (at the racing speed of 35 mph) to get to their 8am jobs.  
So, can you picture it?  What would happen if we had 14 lanes of traffic at 7:45am on a freezing cold Central PA day all honking at each other?  Seriously!

Middle fingers would be flying freely.

Honk for safe driving.  And, at 7:45am, here's a Honk for really good coffee!

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